Saturday, June 25, 2016

10 days has gone by since I posted something to the blog.  Thats all that has stopped though.  The build has continued VERY strong.  I'm afraid though that the empennage will be totally complete (including fiberglass) before the wings arrive.  I'll be on the look out for unbuilt wings in the classifieds.  If you know of anyone with RV-10 untouched wing kit, let me know.  I'm looking for a bargain to start wings sooner, otherwise, I'll just continue to save up for the kit from Vans Aircraft. 

Since the last post, The longerons, aft deck, top skins and seat belt brackets were clecod, and match drilled.  With that, came the dissasembly, and deburring of all parts.  The dissasembly is so depressing, lol.  Its exciting to see a huge part being built but then it all comes apart, ugh!  The kids came in one night and asked where the tail cone went.  My daughter thought I stuck it up in the attic.  "No honey, I took it apart."  "Why?"  "The instructions says to take it apart to prepart for final assembly."  "Oh ok."  

Took me 3 days to fully deburr all parts, sand and countersink a few parts.  Those were VERY long days.  A minmum of 10 hours a day, MINIMUM.  Deburring and sanding was extremely tedius.  Only when I got to the last part, a skin, did I need a break.  The though of deburring what seemed like a million holes instantly drained my energy tank.  After a 1hr break doing other things around the house, I was instantly reenergized and finishd the deburring and sanding. 

Next was to dimple and countersink some parts.  I opted to not dimple until after priming.  The dimples make priming (and sanding) a bit more difficult for an even coat.  Ended the night at 2230 after priming all parts.  After bringing all the parts inside at night, I noticed the 8 footish longerons standing up nice and tall by the garage side door, unprimed, ugh!  The next day I was sent home from work early.  I mixed up a small batch of AKZO and sprayed the longerons and touched up a few other parts.  Carmella and Benico wanted to help do some riveting today so after riveting the bellcrank bearing assembly, they helped find rivets, nutplates, and asembly parts by part number.  This is the first time they see parts being riveted together.  They helped place rivtes in holes where needed.  We have another riveting session planned for tonight.  Yesterday we riveted the battery tray.  Tonight we will start with the tiedown bulkhead assembly (had to skip to battery tray since one of the angles were not primed ether, primed it with the longerons). 

Check out the time lapse videos of the last 10 days.  Also don't forget to check out the rest of the videos on my you tube channel and post your questions, suggestions, or comments.  Your input would be greatly appreciated. 

Tail Cone 3
Tail Cone 4
Tail Cone 5

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